Seven years is simultaneously a long time and not bloody long at all.

It’s some whacked out “blink and you’ll miss it” existential bullshit. (Aaaaand I now have Taylor Swift’s annoying “Twenty twoooo” in my head – fie on you, earworm, FIE I say!) Timberlake hadn’t visited Aussie shores in seven years, and I was tripping out over the fact I was 22 when I last saw him. You don’t have to say what you did / I already know / I found out from him / Now there’s just no chance / For you and me / There’ll never be / And don’t it make you sad about it. The picture-perfect, all-American poptastic couple were no more. Britney cheated on Justin with their mutual friend, Australian choreographer Wade Robson. Justin went solo in 2002 and became a star in his own right, helped in large part by the massive exposure that came with being the boyfriend of the biggest pop star in the world, one Britney Spears. (I thought I was immune to the boy band phenomenon after BSB and 5ive left me lukewarm, but NSYNC totally enthralled me.) Suffice to say, I was one of those teen girls. NSYNC were formed in 1995, became popular in 1998, competed with the Backstreet Boys, had an insanely successful sophomore album ( No Strings Attached, 2.4 million copies sold in its first week) and made millions of pubescent girls the world over get in sync with their emerging hormones. Prior to debuting on the scene with NSYNC, Timberlake was just another kid from Memphis (give or take an appearance on Star Search) until, of course, he was cast on The All-New Mickey Mouse Club in 1993 with a golden generation that included Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, JC Chasez (my favourite NSYNCer), Keri Russell (AKA Felicity), and a certain Ryan Gosling, thespian extraordinaire. Shit, I once knew that, way back when, along with myriad other useless facts. Randall is his middle name – Justin Randall Timberlake. Is there something in the water of the Mississippi that makes musical icons like an old Detroit production line?

Johnny Cash moved to Memphis in his twenties and hit the big time. The legendary Aretha Franklin is another obvious (and fine) example. No one can surpass hip-swivelling, soul-voiced Elvis. It doesn’t get more legit than that, right? It’s a music mecca, a cradle and nest, a breeding ground for stars past and present.